For Sellers

Request a Free Home Valuation

Our team of real estate professionals can provide you with an free, no risk estimate of your home's current value. Just fill out a simple form and we will provide you with the most accurate assesment of what you can expect to receive when selling your home.

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Get in Touch

At E Real Estate, we believe in great customer service. We are experts in our local markets and want to assist you with any questions you may have during the buying or selling process. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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E Real Estate provides customers the technology, experience and innovative strategies that will sell your home. We offer several options that will maximize the amount of money that you can receive from sale of majority of people’s largest investment (their home). Our integrity and commitment to excellence have established E Real Estate as one of the most elite firms in the marketplace today.

If you need any help with your decision do not hesitate to call.

Broker of record.

Gregory J Maglione